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Bowen Island philanthropists make major donations to comprehensive study on salmon

Bowen Island philanthropists make major donations to comprehensive study on salmon

As Rudy North recalls, the fishing off the West side of Bowen Island was pretty good back in the 1970s. “When I got home from work in the summer, if I wasn’t dragging the kids around on water skis I was off fishing by myself,” he says.
Rethinking how to prepare for the worst

Rethinking how to prepare for the worst

Shawn Cole is a man with a plan, not to mention rations of non-perishable foods, water and a first aid kit.

LNG production and BC’s climate committments

The decision by Woodfibre LNG to run its operation off electric power was driven, according to the company, by feedback generated by community consultation and concerns about air quality.

Woodfibre LNG makes a “step in the right direction” but activist still wants the project to stop in

Eoin Finn, an activist from Bowyer Island, presented information on the Woodfibre LNG project to Bowen Island Municipal Council last Monday and asked for the creation of a resolution to ban the passage of LNG tankers in Howe Sound.
IPS students bike, swim and run to raise money for peers in Ghana

IPS students bike, swim and run to raise money for peers in Ghana

Like most kids growing up in this part of the world, Luke McKenzie, Willem Young, and Angus Duguid, the chance to go to high school is a given.
The “war against boaters” and a five step plan for Mannion Bay

The “war against boaters” and a five step plan for Mannion Bay

Over the winter the Bowen Island Municipality undertook what it is calling the “first wave” of the clean-up of Mannion Bay, removing eighteen mooring buoys, four vessels and one fiberglass hull from the Bay’s waters.

Attention gardening enthusiasts

Saturday May 10th is the B.I. Garden Club’s annual Plant Sale and Raffle. As usual it will take place at BICS, for one hour only starting at 11a.m.

BICS Learning Commons Radical Read-A-Thon (May 15 - June 15) & book fair

In conjunction with the Phoenix Book Fair at BICS, May 12-14, BICS Student Council is launching a Radical Read-A-Thon to raise awareness and money for renovations to transform the worn and tired BICS library into a Learning Commons- a space that will

Bowen group remains united in fighting for ferry service

The group Bowen Islanders for Ferry Fairness (BIFF) will continue to work toward better ferry services and lower fares. “We came together in order to organize protests,” says BIFF organizer Maureen Nicholson.

Gambier logging on hold

The creation of two additional woodlots on the North-East corner of Gambier Island has opened up 25 percent of the island to active logging, anticipated to begin within the next year.