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Golf Club's 11th annual fundraiser was a lot of green fun

Golf Club's 11th annual fundraiser was a lot of green fun

If one had wandered out to Bowen Island Golf Course Sept. 7, they might’ve thought it was March 17. All manner of golfers clad in emerald shades took to the course for the club’s annual fundraiser, this year with an Irish theme.
More runners than ever before ran the Handloggers Half Marathon last weekend

More runners than ever before ran the Handloggers Half Marathon last weekend

The Labour Day Long Weekend tradition saw a record number of racing runners this year
Handloggers Half Marathon is ready and set to go this weekend

Handloggers Half Marathon is ready and set to go this weekend

Lace up your shoes because Bowen Island’s annual half marathon is on Aug 31.
Photo reunites early ball players on Bowen’s ‘field of dreams’

Photo reunites early ball players on Bowen’s ‘field of dreams’

Who do you recognize from this photo of the 1976 Bowen Island men’s baseball team? Let us know!
Diggers and Cruisers rematch for fastpitch trophy (to the same result)

Diggers and Cruisers rematch for fastpitch trophy (to the same result)

The Bowen Island Fastpitch League’s year-ending tourney at Snug Cove Field last weekend saw a drop in fans from the massive turnout of 2018.
Men's fastpitch tournament coming up soon

Men's fastpitch tournament coming up soon

Marcus Hondro gives a season recap and sets the scene for the tournament, Aug. 9 to 11.
Bowen FC held its first summer programming this July

Bowen FC held its first summer programming this July

Responding to the community’s request and feedback for summer programming, Bowen Island FC has arranged for a number of summer programs this year for the first time in its 10-year history.
SwimBowen raised $27,000

SwimBowen raised $27,000

They say there are no guarantees in life, but I beg to differ. You can count on the Bowen Island community to pull out all the stops to champion events and causes they love––such as SwimBowen.
Swimmers take to the water at 4:30 p.m. today for SwimBowen

Swimmers take to the water at 4:30 p.m. today for SwimBowen

On Saturday July 20, 75 swimmers will dive into Tunstall Bay at 4:30 p.m. to complete SwimBowen 2019, a 500 or 1000 metre course with all proceeds benefitting the SwimBowen Society.
Meditation and activism: Lisa Shatzky on running her first ultra-trail run

Meditation and activism: Lisa Shatzky on running her first ultra-trail run

Local poet and runner Lisa Shatzky is doing the ultramarathon Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run June 13. She is dedicating the run to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. She was kind enough to answer some questions for the Undercurrent.